
“Will I have enough to last my lifetime?”

“Will I have enough to pass on to my children?”

“Am I saving enough. And, how much is enough?”


No matter our stage in life, the questions about money are essential to our wellbeing. Sometimes, we’re faced with a different set of questions: “What do I do with this large sum of money that I just inherited?” Or, “How do I invest this large sum from my divorce?”

The answer to every financial question begins with a financial plan.

A plan is essential to creating a state of financial health. A plan accounts for the unpredictability of life, such as unemployment, the unexpected death of a partner or spouse, drops in the stock market, and illness. A plan also creates the reserves to live our dreams.

Our financial planning takes into consideration your whole financial picture. Edge Financial Advisors will walk you through all the major steps of the financial planning process, including:

Financial Planning

Our first job is to listen. Ask some follow-up questions. Answer your questions. And then listen some more. What you need is not cookie-cutter. There is no one-size-fits-all financial plan that covers the waterfront for every person.

Once we’ve digested where you are and where you want to head, we utilize the latest technology in retirement planning to model different scenarios and paint a clear picture of your future. We revise your goals and predict how likely you are to achieve them with your current plan.

In the end, we want you to feel like the proverbial 16-ton weight was just lifted off your shoulder—so you can live freely. That is the state of wellbeing.


Investment Planning

We provide full-service investment management by building you a portfolio that seeks to achieve your long-term financial goals. We create investment mixes that aim to produce high returns while reducing the correlation of your portfolio to broad market downturns. In short, that means when the markets swing downward, your future is protected.


Estate Planning

Many of our clients want to extend their financial wellbeing to the next generation. We help you develop a plan for passing on your assets to the next generation. We facilitate a conversation between you and your estate planning attorney to make sure that your assets are passed on exactly the way you want them to be.


Tax Management

No one likes paying taxes. Here at Edge, we take tax management seriously and all of our financial plans and investment strategies are optimized to make sure that they are done in the most tax efficient way possible.


Budgeting/Cash Flow Control

To experience wellbeing, it is important to know how much of your money is coming and going every month. We help you budget more effectively by breaking down your earnings and spending. This clear view gives you confidence as you live out each day to its fullest.


Investment Philosophy

Our investment philosophy is simple:

We perform consistent, intensive research on investment opportunities across all asset classes, with a special focus on risk management and tax-efficiency.

We then implement our findings into customized investment portfolios designed to meet your long-term goals. Your financial plan and specific life situation dictate how your assets are invested.

Investment Services

Total Portfolio Management

Customized investment portfolios designed to meet your long-term goals for saving and spending.


Single Strategy Programs

If you’re looking for a way to compliment your other investments, we can help you there. At Edge, we take your whole financial picture into account and provide single strategy programs for stock, bond, and alternative investments.

Defined Benefit Plans

for Business Owners

Efficient tax savings are a crucial part of any business owner’s plan. And one way that you can ensure you will have enough for retirement.

At Edge, one of our key areas of focus is helping our clients who are business owners implement a Defined Benefit of Cash Balance Plan, an extremely tax efficient way of helping employees and themselves save for retirement.

The implementation of a Defined Benefit or Cash Balance plan at your firm could help you save up to $265,000 pre-tax as of 2023.

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